618 research outputs found

    Esfinge at CLEF 2008: Experimenting with answer retrieval patterns. Can they help?

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    Esfinge is a general domain Portuguese question answering system which has been participating at QA@CLEF since 2004. It uses the information available in the ?official? document collections used in QA@CLEF (newspaper text and Wikipedia), but additionally it also uses information from the Web as an additional resource when searching for answers. Where it regards the use of external tools, Esfinge uses a syntactic analyzer, a morphological analyzer and a named entity recognizer. This year an alternative approach to retrieve answers was tested: whereas in previous years, search patterns were used to retrieve relevant documents, this year a new type of search patterns was also used to extract the answers themselves. Besides that we took advantage of the main novelty introduced this year by QA@CLEF organization which was that the systems could return up to three answers for each question, instead of the single answer allowed in previous editions. This enabled the investigation about how good were the second and third best answers returned by Esfinge (when the first answer is not correct). The experiments revealed that the answer retrieval patterns created for this participation improve the results, but only for definition questions. Regarding the study of the three answers returned by Esfinge, the conclusion was that when Esfinge answers correctly a question, it does so usually with its first answer

    Using Answer Retrieval Patterns to Answer Portuguese Questions

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    SUPeRB: Building bibliographic resources on the computational processing of Portuguese

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    PROPOR 2008 Special Session: Applications of Portuguese Speech and Language Technologie

    Macroeconomic Determinants of Bank Spread in Brazil: An Empirical Evaluation

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    Despite a decline in interest rates since mid-1999, bank spread in Brazil continues extremely high in international terms and in recent years has stood at around 40%. This paper analyses the determinants of bank spread in Brazil, seeking particularly to analyse the macroeconomic determinants of spread in recent times. It uses a VAR model to identify the macroeconomic variables that may directly or indirectly have been influencing spread in Brazil over the period 1994-2005. It presents evidence that interest rate levels and, to a lesser degree, the inflation rate are the main macroeconomic determinants of high bank spread in Brazil.Bank Spread, VAR models, Brazilian banking sector

    Desenho de experiĂȘncias - estratĂ©gicas

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    O desenvolvimento de produtos e processos pressupĂ”e a realização de experiĂȘncias que conduzam Ă  sua optimização ao menor custo possĂ­vel. As estratĂ©gias a utilizar na condução das experiĂȘncias, bem como o tratamento estatĂ­stico dos resultados alcançados, deverĂŁo conduzir Ă s melhores condiçÔes de realização dos ensaios necessĂĄrios Ă  prossecução deste objectivo. O mĂ©todo de Taguchi permite obter informação relevante, com um nĂșmero reduzido de experiĂȘncias, conforme se demonstra nos casos de estudo apresentados

    "E Cristo Ă© a Ășnica voz de todo o mundo" : a defesa da Respublica Christiana nos sermĂ”es de auto-de-fĂ© da Inquisição Portuguesa (1612-1640)

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    Orientadora : ProfÂȘ DrÂȘ AndrĂ©a DorĂ©Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias Humanas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em HistĂłria. Defesa: Curitiba, 10/03/2015Inclui referĂȘnciasResumo: O objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar um conjunto de vinte e cinco sermĂ”es pregados em cerimĂŽnias pĂșblicas de autos-de-fĂ© e publicados entre 1612 e 1640. Durante este perĂ­odo, negociaçÔes de perdĂ”es gerais foram propostas por cristĂŁos novos Ă  coroa espanhola com o intuito de obterem liberdade para deixar o reino portuguĂȘs. Tais acordos começaram a ser travados enquanto a Inquisição fortalecia sua malha e aumentava a perseguição aos hereges - sobretudo aos judaizantes. Por outro lado, alguns grupos de cristĂŁos novos apresentavam profundas crĂ­ticas ao Santo OfĂ­cio, questionando seus mĂ©todos e argumentando que boa parte das prisĂ”es feitas baseavam-se em testemunhos falsos sendo, portanto, arbitrĂĄrias. A situação tornou-se ainda mais dramĂĄtica quando as colĂŽnias ultramarinas portuguesas foram invadidas por holandeses e chegava-se a notĂ­cia do envolvimento de cristĂŁos novos fugidos de Portugal. Nesta conjuntura, sermĂ”es de autos-de-fĂ© eram impressos e traziam palavras de Ăłdio e condenação ao judaĂ­smo, vindo, assim, a somar-se a uma literatura antijudaica que estava em seu perĂ­odo mais profĂ­cuo. A presente pesquisa visa problematizar de que forma os sermĂ”es de autos-de-fĂ© buscaram reforçar o confronto da Inquisição contra seus inimigos da fĂ©. Notou-se que o discurso dos sermĂ”es reforçava uma identidade portuguesa, a qual era eminentemente catĂłlica e conhecida por "levar a voz de Cristo para todo o mundo", mas que naquele momento via-se ameaçada. DaĂ­ o objetivo de compreender os sermĂ”es como uma defesa dessa identidade catĂłlica portuguesa, a qual Ă© compreendida aqui a partir dos trabalhos de Francisco Bethencourt, concernente Ă  "sociogĂȘnese do sentimento nacional", e de Ana Silva e AntĂłnio Manuel Hespanha, sobre a Respublica Christiana, enquanto uma repĂșblica de crentes que nĂŁo permitia a heterodoxia. Esta pesquisa, portanto, buscou apresentar como o discurso antijudaico em Portugal atingiu, na primeira metade do sĂ©culo XVII, um de seus momentos de maior virulĂȘncia. Palavras-chave: SermĂ”es de autos-de-fĂ©, Inquisição Portuguesa, identidade portuguesa, Respublica Christiana.Abstract: The objective of this dissertation was to analyze a set twenty-five sermons preached in public ceremonies of autos-da-fe and published between 1612 and 1640. During this period, new Christians proposed general forgiveness negotiations to the Spanish crown in order to obtain freedom to leave the Portuguese kingdom. Such agreements began while the Inquisition strengthened its network and increased the persecution of heretics - particularly the Judaizers. On the other hand, some groups of new Christians had a deep criticism of the Holy Office, questioning his methods and arguing that most of the arrests were based on false testimonies, being arbitrary. The situation became even more dramatic when the Portuguese overseas colonies were invaded by the Dutch, leading suspicions about the involvement of new Christians escaped from Portugal. In this context, sermons from autos-da-fe were printed, introducing words of hate and condemnation of Judaism, adding to a anti-Jewish literature in its most profitable period. This research seeks to discuss how the sermons of autos-da-fĂ© pursued increase the confrontation of the Inquisition against enemies of the faith. It was noted that the discourse of sermons strengthened a Portuguese identity, which was emminent Catholic and known as "take the voice of Christ to the world", but which was threatened. That is why the objective is the understanding how the sermons could be a defense of the Portuguese Catholic identity, which is understood here from the works from Francisco Bethencourt work on the sociogenesis of the national sentiment, and Ana Silva and AntĂłnio Manuel Hespanha, about the Respublica Christiana, the republic of the believers who did not allow the heterodoxy. Therefore, this research try to present how the anti-Jewish discourse in Portugal reached, in the first half of the seventeenth century, one of his moments of virulence. Key words: Sermons of autos-da-fe, Portuguese Inquisition, Portuguese identity, Respublica Christiana
